
Tout chez Locke, le magicien de l’air trahit son grand âge : sa barbe et ses cheveux gris, ses rides profondes, sa robe austère d’érudit. Il lui reste toutefois de sa jeunesse des bras forts couverts de glyphes tatoués et un sourire plein de fraîcheur, même si son expression fermée est celle des mauvais jours. Il possède un chant à double voix très réputé à Arkhante.


Everything about Locke, the air magician, is betraying his old age: his grey hair and beard, his deep wrinkles, his austere scholar’s robe . However, he still has strong arms covered with tattooed glyphs and a fresh smile from his youth, even if the latter is spoiled by his closed expression is that of the bad days. He also has a double voice singing which is very famous in Arkhante.