
Héritier d’une longue tradition, Tumul est le Primus de la Terre. Tout en lui évoque la montagne inamovible : son visage plus ridé que la roche froissée, son corps trapu et épais, sa voix calme et grondante. Plus que tout autre Primus, Tumul est un pilier d’Arkhante. Physiquement, Tumul a un visage granitique, un teint terreux, des sourcils embroussaillés de sagesse contenue, un rocher en perpétuelle métamorphose suspendu au-dessus de sa tête.


Heir to a long tradition, Tumul is the Primus of the Earth. Everything about him evokes the immovable mountain: his face more wrinkled than crumpled rock, his thick, stocky body, his calm, rumbling voice. More than any other Primus, Tumul is a pillar of Arkhante.
Physically, Tumul has a granitic face, an earthy complexion, bushy eyebrows of restrained wisdom, a rock in perpetual metamorphosis hanging over his head.